12 december, 2014

Ghost beer - Grale!

Finally here, the beer (or "ale" to be correct) from Ghost.
Called Grale, it´s a play on words because its an ale, but also the religious symbol of "The Holy Grail" - the cup from which Jesus Christ drank during the last supper if you believe that stuff.

Since I´m not much of a beer-drinker I cannot give a judgement on the taste, but I have heard from several others that it tastes quite nice and I´ve seen many people recomending it. The alcohol level is of course 6,66 %.

The ale isn´t all that easy to get a hold of, even here in Sweden.
First of all; beer and alcohol can only be bought at special stores.
Second; none of these stores actually carry the ale, so it must be specially pre-ordered by you, the customer.
Third; it is only sold in boxes of six. Plain, brown, ugly cardboard boxes.

There is a limited run of 10 000 bottles (1 666 boxes) and according to Ghost official facebook page there are not that many left by now.

The labels look really great and the only complaint I have is regarding the box. It would be very easy to have a Ghost-sticker or Grale-label on the box to spice it up a bit.